Transferring knowledge to society

The lab is fully committed to basic research, but some of our findings can be applied beyond the walls of academia. Researchers in the lab are particularly keen in applying their expertise to help solving environmental problems of societal relevance.

In the past, we have signed tenders to develop climate change impact assessments on biodiversity at national and regional levels, as well as providing guidance for the development of European strategies for biodiversity conservation under climate change.

We offer our expertise to:

  • Develop environmental change (climate and land use change) impact assessments on biodiversity or on any species or particular interest.
  • Develop spatial conservation prioritisation tolls and/or plans for biodiversity or for any target species of conservation interest.
  • Develop climate change adaptation plans and programs, with particular emphasis on those having an ecosystem function and services approach.

Examples of past tenders

  • Preparation of a series of policy documents for the Spanish government regarding the implementation of the national biodiversity strategy in the 2030 horizon, with particular focus on climate change (undergoing).
  • Preparation of a policy paper for the Regional Government of the Azores, the Oceano Azul Foundation, and the Waitt Institute concerning the selection of marine coastal protected areas in the Azores archipelago (in preparation).
  • Preparation of report for the CCDRA (Comissão de Coordenação de Desenvolvimento da Região Alentejo) the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Alentejo (2023)
  • Preparation of policy paper for the Portuguese Biodiversity Strategy 2030, with particular focus on the challenges of climate change (2022).
  • Scientific coordination of the Opening of the European Green Week (2021) on behalf of the municipality of Lisbon.
  • Preparation of technical report for the Portuguese and Spanish governments on the effects of climate change on animal biodiversity in continental Iberia (2011, 2012).
  • Preparation of policy paper for the Council of Europe on Protected Areas and Climate Change (2009).


Strategy for biodiversity and climate

Miguel B. Araújo led the development of strategic documents on biodiversity and climate change to advise the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action during Portugal’s Presidency of the European Union. The primary document outlines a new agenda for biodiversity conservation within the context of climate change. This agenda aims to assist the government in formulating public policies that address the challenges posed by the European Biodiversity Strategy and the UN’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Agenda.