Congratulations to Raquel Garcia who successfully defended her outstanding PhD thesis at the University of Copenhagen. Raquel’s thesis–Uncertainty in projected impacts of climate change on biodiversity: A focus on African vertebrates–was supervised by Miguel B. Araújo, co-supervised by Mar Cabeza, and funded through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The evaluation panel of the thesis included David Nogués Bravo (internal), Richard Pearson (University College London) and Jane Hill (University of York).
Raquel has three chapters already published (GCB, JBI, and Science), and two others in review (and many more ideas to be implemented in the future). She has received (and accepted) an offer of a 1-year post doc in the South African National Biodiversity Institute in Cape Town together with Guy Midgley. This is excellent news since, for quite long time, Raquel has wanted to do research in this part of the world. Well done and good luck!
Carsten Rahbek, the Chairman from the University, opens the session
Raquel providing explanations on her thesis
The examination panel with David Nogués, Jane Hill, and Richard Pearson
Mar Cabeza, Raquel Garcia, and Miguel Araújo
Raquel Garcia and Miguel Araújo