The Nordic Society Oikos elected Professor Miguel Araújo as the new Editor in Chief of Ecography, after nearly ten years of leadership by Professor Carsten Rahbek. “I am planning to continue the excellent work done by my predecessor who was able to turn Ecography into one of the most influential journals in the field of spatial ecology”, says Miguel Araújo. “Of course the challenges today are not the same as the challenges of the past, so we need to rethink some critical aspects of the management of the journal. We are, for example, planning to boost our Review and Forum sections by having dedicated editors to them. We will also study, together with Oikos editorial office, the possibility of gradually moving to an open access model or to some sort of hybrid system whereby articles would become freely accessible after some time. Trends in the publishing market are moving fast and I would like to see Ecography leading some of these changes rather than simply having to cope with them”, says the new EiC of Ecography.