2 years postdoc position in the context of the PredWeb (Predicting Food-Web Biogeography). Project, funded through the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Biogeography examines distributions of species and communities at broad geographical scales of extent and it is often assumed that interactions among species are second-order effects, with the relationship between distributions and abiotic factors being more important. These views have been recently challenged by our group of research in a paper published in Nature Communications. We have shown the existence of six basic trophic structures broadly matching the distribution of climate zones. We make the case that a sub-discipline of food-web biogeography can be recognised as representing those studies seeking to understand how trophic relationships among organisms vary across space and time. In the context of this new sub-discipline of food-web biogeography, the successful candidate will be tasked with exploring patterns of food web structure back in time, as well as checking the predictions about the food webs structures against the fossil record. S(he) will be based at the National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC, in Madrid and integrate an international cohort of researchers with backgrounds in biogeography, computational biology, macroecology, paleoecology, and theoretical ecology.
Required background:
PhD in ecology, paleoecology or data analysis.
Priority will be given to candidates with proven academic experience in statistical analysis of ecological or paleoecological data, modelling, and/or macroecology/biogeography.
Knowledge of R language is required and experience with machine learning techniques will be very valued.
English proficiency is also required since all scientific writing and great deal of the discussions are undertaken with this language.
Please send your CV by the end of 2019, the candidate is expected to start within the February-March 2020.
Applications should be sent by email up until the 1st of January 2020 to Miguel Araújo (maraujo “at” mncn “dot” csic “dot” es) and Manuel Mendoza (mmendoza “at” mncn “dot” csic “dot” es).
The application must include a cover letter (preferably in English) explaining why you think you are an adequate candidate for the post, a short CV (please no more than 5 pages), and the names and contacts of two academics that can provide a reference for you.
Video description of our recent study on the topic: