We are thrilled to announce the 8th edition of the “Species Distributions Modelling Course: Concepts, Methods, Applications, and Challenges” that Babak Naimi and I give regularly. The previous edition had a limited presencial participation owing to the pandemic COVID-19 and we inaugurated the online participation. While online participation is now maintained, we strongly encourage those that can to enrol in the presencial format. The course was designed as a residencial activity, with much interactions going on in-between lectures. Online, such benefits are lost.
Our course is probably the longest available on the topic of SDM. It is a 7 days course for graduate students, researchers and professionals, and we give equal weight to theory and application. The first 5 days are spent in the classroom with lectures and practicals. There, you will be introduced to the fundamental concepts underpinning species distribution models, or ecological niche models (ENM), learn about the most prominent methods currently in use (e.g., ensembles), and participate in discussions about the strengths and limitations of these models for different applications.
During the practicals, students will have the opportunity to learn how to run SDMs with the SDM R platform (Naimi & Araújo 2016 Ecography). To make sure you leave the course being able to run your own models and think critically about your results, the last two days of the course are used for students to run and present their own project. You will be asked to bring your own data (if such data are not available we can provide our own data).
To know ore and register read here.